It was way harder than we anticipated to pick a best Kirby game, but in the end, we had to land on Kirby Super Star Ultra.

Whether he’s in his natural form or made of yarn, 2D or 3D, or in an open-world setting like in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Kirby has established a formula and tone for his games that make them reliably great. Sure, some modern gamers may look at his titles and think they’re just for kids, but the joy of a Kirby game is one that people of all ages can enjoy.

He’s quietly amassed a dedicated audience of fans through the decades and is one of the few franchises to go on for so long with such a strong track record of games.

Over the years, Kirby has become one of Nintendo’s most beloved characters, nearly as recognizable as Mario or Link. Is it possible for anyone to not love Kirby? This little ball of joy has been with us since the NES, charming us with his cute design, lighthearted stories, and stress-free gameplay.