Just about any type of multimedia content currently available on the web may easily and efficiently be distributed using feeds. Using feeds, content producers may transmit many different types of content, including: Providing feeds enables sites to distribute information far beyond the scope of their website.

These days, it is very common for a site or blog to deliver a feed of their content. For now, let’s examine a few different types of feeds and how they might be used. We’ll talk more about different types of feed readers here in a bit. In many cases, you can even have feed subscriptions delivered directly to your email account. There are many feed readers freely available around the Web. By subscribing to your favorite sites, you can stay current with updated content delivered to the “feed reader” of your choice.

Although these invitations to “subscribe” come in many flavors, they are all basically doing the same thing: enabling visitors to receive information from the site without having to manually visit the site itself. As you surf around, you keep noticing these little orange squares and multicolored boxes placed next to phrases such as these: This article will help beginners understand a few “feed” essentials: what they are, how they work, and how to use them.